Dear friends and family,
So far this trip has been surprising. Yesterday, we arrived to the retreat site where we will be
staying around 8 pm. Then, we ate a dinner of rice with beans and some chips. It was delicious. The
dinner was cooked by a nice lady and her daughter. Then, we got settled and we talked about what we
were going to do for the next couple of days. My work site is called San Louis de Moretti and it is about an hour away from the retreat center because it is near the coast and in the mountains. The ride to our work site was rough and bumpy but it was very fun and so beautiful. We were surrounded by mountains and all kinds of trees. So many plants and animals of different varieties. We arrived at the work site and it was a church with an outdoor dining room and kitchen next door. Next to the work site was a small school with only about 6 children of different ages and a huge soccer field down the hill. We arrived to the work site greeted by a nice man named Orlando and a nice family who was ready to cook for us. Orlando told us, for our work, to scrape off the soft/damaged wall, move the huge metal pieces of roof tiles, or to help build a trench around the church. I helped to scrape the soft/damaged wall off and it was hard work. I needed to use a lot of strength but eventually it was finally lunch time where we ate rice, beans, and spaghetti. Then we went to visit the school next door where we played with the kids. First, we played soccer with all the kids and then we played duck, duck, goose. Playing with them tired us out way more then the actual work we had to do. Before we had to leave, we made bracelets with each other and told them we would come back tomorrow. They were so anxious to see us again. We got back to the retreat site full of dirt and sweat and dying to finally take a shower. Now were clean and ready to eat a delicious dinner.
Madison Quishpe