Friday, June 14, 2019

Michael Wilson

Dear Friends and Family,
Today has been the best of three awesome days here in Costa Rica. It started out with
wakeup at 5:30 (ugh) but Mass with Deacon Charlie’s sermon quickly turned the mood around.
We had pancakes for breakfast, which was a nice taste of home and a welcome change of pace
from rice and beans. The fun surprises kept on coming after that. We took the first hour of work
time and spent it playing soccer at the local school (losing to the 6 th graders wasn’t so fun,
though). The actual work, being the third day of sanding, wasn’t the best; but we finally got to
start the painting which was yet another nice change of pace. Lunch was taking too long, so we
got to take an interesting detour and go to the local corner store to try all the local snacks. Those
were great, and we probably ate too many, but we were still able to stomach the awesome food
made by the sweet church ladies. We kept painting after that, and even though it got pretty old
pretty quickly, seeing both the progress we were making and the grateful looks on the locals’
faces made it a breeze. I’m excited to see the progress we can make tomorrow, and hopefully we
can keep our spirits up.
Michael Wilson