June 15th Tepeyac:
Amy Olvera Tepeyac
At first, hearing what others had told me from this mission
trip to Nicaragua I expected to have an experience like theirs that was full of
labor. It’s been 3 days and my experience has been nothing like they have
described, it’s been even better. The other students and I all feel incredibly
close as if we have known each other for years, because through our faith and
through our mission God has made us brothers and sisters which gives us a
strong foundation for our friendship. The people here with so little and such
difficult lives go day to day living by their faith and always trusting that
God will provide for them and will continue to walk beside them always, which
is what I hope one day to be able to do. The chaperons are a wonderful example
of Christians who continue to live and work by God’s words and love. Although
it has only been a short amount of time, I already know that this mission trip
is one for the memory books, that these people are examples to live by daily,
and that this faith and love is something I will make my mission to continue
spreading back home. Everyone here continues to shock me with their love for
Christ, their humble lives with such graceful hearts, their kindness to not
just their families but to everyone they encounter, and most of all they
undying faith in God’s word. Nicaragua has taught me to love everyone and begin
with God and with my family, to be grateful for the things that we take for
granted and see as privilege though we should see them as a luxury. Nicaragua
has taught me to be mindful of my words and actions, and it has taught me that
with God all things are possible so long as we have faith in Him and in His
never ending love for us.
Diego Arellano, (Tepeyac)
Hello to all who read. This will be my second year going on
this Nicaragua mission trip and I could not be more overjoyed to be here again
at the same site. We missionaries have only been here for three days, yet we
have already incredible bonds and friendships with one another. I cannot say
enough good things about the people I have had the pleasure to meet so far.
Even though I think I’m one of the quieter and more reserved students here,
everyone has been very accepting and kind not only towards me, but also the
people of the community. To speak about today specifically, my group did a lot
of walking in the mountains to reach certain homes and evangelize. We invited
each of the families to mass and we invited the youth to hang out before mass
to play soccer, do crafts or listen to music. My favorite thing to do is simply
look around me everywhere I go because it is so beautiful. The colors are vivid
and there are animals everywhere. There is just so much humility, faith and
hope everywhere we go. I sincerely hope that we all are able to get something
out of this trip that helps our faith. If I have learned anything from last
year, it’s that you only get out what you put in and I don’t see anyone here
who isn’t truly trying to do good. This trip really forces you to reflect and
not take things for granted. I also would like to recognize the chaperones.
They are what makes this trip function and I’m very grateful for all them. They
could not be doing a better job. I’m praying every day for everyone here who is
helping out with the mission trip and for you all, their families, as well. I’m
sorry, I probably just rambled but I can’t wait for what the rest of this week
holds for us. Lastly, to my mom and dad, who are for sure reading this, I love
you guys a lot.
June 16h Tepeyac:
Mary Chen, (Tepeyac)
Today being
the fifth day of the trip, I had an idea of what the day would be like, but I
was surprised nonetheless. We began by attending Mass and eating breakfast, and
after, we walked on foot to a chapel in the neighborhood. The chapel was small,
but it was beautiful. We went through the neighborhood in small groups, meeting
with the people and inviting them to the chapel for mass at 3 o’clock. One man
in particular stood out to me; he had so much to share with us that the
translator could not translate quickly enough. He spoke to us about how even
though we all look different, we are brothers and sisters in Christ and that we
need to work together if we are to be united as a family. Because there was a
lot of individualism in today’s community, I felt that our visits were
especially influential in bringing the people together. I loved that no matter
where we went, we learned new things about them and about ourselves.
Maria Heredia: (Tepeyac)
Hola amigos
y familia! It is day 5 in our journey in Tepeyac; we are halfway
done. Time has passed by so fast, but which is sad to know that this will be
over soon. Overall, this experience has been wonderful and impactful. There
have been too many people and events that have occurred to mention all in this
blog. All of my fellow missionaries have been amazing and we all have been able
to bond and grow closer to each other.
Some of us thought we were going to build buildings, such as a Church or a school, instead we are building relationships and connecting with the people here in Tepeyac. In the past couple of days, we have been going around the community and spreading the word and message of our Lord. Overall, the Nicaraguans have been very welcoming with open hearts and it warms my heart that they want to learn more about our God and the Catholic faith. For me, personally, being bilingual, it has been both a blessing and a bit of a hassle these last two days. I love being able to connect with the people here in Tepeyac and learn more about their lifestyle and their culture. However, yesterday I was asked to help translate in an Anointing of the Sick, which was a new experience for me. This was the first time in that I was able to preach in Spanish, which was difficult to translate on the spot right after a blessing or a prayer. I stumbled a bit and keep forgetting the simplest words. However, I have been blessed that everyone in my group has so far been patient with me, which I truly appreciate. Today, I was also asked to translate prayers and blessings, and towards the end I keep getting mixed up between the languages. I was talking in Spanish, when I should have been translating in English and vice versa. However, being bilingual has been more of a blessing. Not only am I able to connect with the people here in Tepeyac, but I have also helped my fellow missionaries form relationships with the Nicaraguans!! I am very grateful and blessed that I am part of this missionary trip to help the people here in Tepeyac bring God into their lives.
I would also like to mention that the food has been very delicious!!!!!
Some of us thought we were going to build buildings, such as a Church or a school, instead we are building relationships and connecting with the people here in Tepeyac. In the past couple of days, we have been going around the community and spreading the word and message of our Lord. Overall, the Nicaraguans have been very welcoming with open hearts and it warms my heart that they want to learn more about our God and the Catholic faith. For me, personally, being bilingual, it has been both a blessing and a bit of a hassle these last two days. I love being able to connect with the people here in Tepeyac and learn more about their lifestyle and their culture. However, yesterday I was asked to help translate in an Anointing of the Sick, which was a new experience for me. This was the first time in that I was able to preach in Spanish, which was difficult to translate on the spot right after a blessing or a prayer. I stumbled a bit and keep forgetting the simplest words. However, I have been blessed that everyone in my group has so far been patient with me, which I truly appreciate. Today, I was also asked to translate prayers and blessings, and towards the end I keep getting mixed up between the languages. I was talking in Spanish, when I should have been translating in English and vice versa. However, being bilingual has been more of a blessing. Not only am I able to connect with the people here in Tepeyac, but I have also helped my fellow missionaries form relationships with the Nicaraguans!! I am very grateful and blessed that I am part of this missionary trip to help the people here in Tepeyac bring God into their lives.
I would also like to mention that the food has been very delicious!!!!!
PS. Mami, Papi, y Caro, estoy rezando por
ustedes y les extrano mucho!!! Les quiero mucho!!
June 17, 2017 Tepeyac
Laurel Schuckenbrock (Tepeyac)
So far my trip is going very well.
Different than what I expected but good. I am meeting lots of great friends
which is super exciting. The people on this trip are amazing. I have had 2
highlights of my trip so far. One being a house we visited. When we arrived
they set out chairs for every single one of us, completely welcoming us. The
ice cream man came by and we all bought ice cream for each other. The ice cream
was so good. We had it again last night as well. As we all sat together there
was this one couple that stuck out to me. (@adam) We asked the guy who his
favorite music artist was and he said Eminem. He was in university studying
blood work and testing. He was studying that so that he could come back and
serve his community who didn’t have money for medical test etc. His girlfriend
was also in University studying psychology. So that she could come back and help
kids in the community who had gone through traumatic situations (@katelyn I
though you would like that). They had been dating for 5 years and were not
engaged because they wanted to wait and be stable in jobs, out of university,
and so on. It was very admirable. My next favorite memory was doing the
anointing of the sick. It was very cool and different than anything I had ever
done. Hayden brought his guitar to the anointing and I sang with him. It was
very cool. They love the guitar and music here. I could go on and on. @meghan I
miss you so much. I can’t stop talking about you around here, I think I may be
annoying people about it but I just miss my second half so much. @mom and dad I
miss y'all so much too. I can’t wait to be home with y'all! Don’t worry I am
feeling much better since Wednesday or whenever I passed out etc. the days all
run together here so I can’t really remember what day that happened. @everyone in my family and friends, I miss all of you
soooo much! I can not wait to see y'all again! I love you!